
HydroSens is a range of cosmogenic neutron sensors for measuring soil moisture at the horizontal scale of hectometers and vertical scale of decimeters. HydroSens can also measure snow-water equivalent at the hectometer horizontal scale. Its design follows the paper by Zreda et al., 2012*.
HydroSens is a moderated cosmogenic neutron sensor that has a thermal neutron detector based on 3He or 10B (both used in COSMOS) or 6Li (new!).

New! All HydroSens sensors now come with count enhancer [Patent granted] that reduces the measurement uncertainty. 

Now available: HydroSens with new, high count rate cosmogenic neutron detectors. 

* Zreda et al., 2012, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, v. 16, p. 4079-4099.