SurfaSens – small-scale, downward-looking sensor

SurfaSens [Patented technology] measures neutrons at the scale that is commensurate with the dimension of the instrument’s bottom plate. This sensor enables high-resolution (1 m to 10 m) mapping of cosmogenic neutrons, soil moisture, and other hydrogenous materials at or near the land surface. It is uniquely useful in measuring moisture of soils with stones or rock outcrops. It can be used to calibrate the standard, wide-area COSMOS sensor.

The sensor is also suitable for finding hydrogenous materials in soil or at its surface, measuring water content of bulk materials such as grain or ore, solid materials such as concrete, construction materials such as wood, agricultural materials such as crops or hay, etc.

SurfaSens prototype (© 2017 Lab C).

The SurfaSens’s response (calibration) function is shown below.

© 2017-2020 Lab C